Senin, 02 November 2009

The Value of Education

Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them; our purpose is to fit them for life. As soon as we realize this fact, we will understand that its is very important, to choose a system of education which will really prepare children for life. It is not enough just to choose the first system of education one finds; or to continue with one's old system of education without examining it to use whether it is in fact suitable or not.

In many modern countries it has for some time been fashionable to think that, by free education for all-whether rich or poor, clever or stupid-one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. but we can already see that free education for all its not enough : we can find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees than tere are jobs for them to fill. Because of their degrees, they refuse to do what they think "low" work: and, in fact, work with the hands is thought to be disty and shameful in such countries.

But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor, we can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we should get terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants because everyone is ashamed to do such work, this professors have to waste much of their time doing housework.

In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we must be educated in such a way that, firstly, each of us can whatever job is suited to his brain and ability. And secondly, that we can realize thta all jobs are necessary to society, or to scorn someone's else. Only such a type of education can be called valuable to society.

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